Christopher W Tyler
City University of London, UK
Christopher W Tyler is a visual neuroscientist specializing in visual and oculomotor function and disorders who joined City University London in 2013. He previously worked at several universities in the United States and has been a long-established researcher at the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, San Francisco, where he established its Brain Imaging Center. Christopher Tyler received his training in Experimental Psychology at the Universities of Leicester, Aston and Keele before taking postdoctoral fellowships at Northeastern University, Boston, University of Bristol and Bell Laboratories. He then took up a position at the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, where he retains an affiliation, and has taught courses at Northeastern, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, UC Berkeley and the University of Paris along the way. He has had widespread collaborations across the globe and has given numerous keynote addresses to scientific meetings across many disciplines, from microscopy to Renaissance art.
Abstract : Melanopsin pathway control in the human retina and the relationship with traumatic photalgia